Tuesday 10 September 2013

Handwritten Code

TADA! Here is my beautiful, handwritten code. You can order copies from me for only $999.99 ;) (jk) 

Why I'm taking Webmaking 101

I'm taking Webmaking 101 with the P2PU thingy. Just in case the title didn't tell you that. Or you didn't bother reading the title. Or maybe you did read the title but then you went away, played some video game, or did something, came back, decided to read this random blog you have open on your page but you completely forgot the title. BUT. ANYWAYS. Yeah, I'm starting the Webmaking 101 thing. Why? Cuz I wanna learn how to make web pages, duh. I've been interesting in web design for a while now but I never really started but then BAM, Google gave me the wonderful link to P2PU and I found the course. Thus begins my journey with P2PU...not. I'm not sure if I'll stay with it as commitment is not my strong suit :) I hope whoever managed to stumble upon this didn't die of boredom....


Hello world :)

This is my first post on mah blog. And....I'm already out of ideas :) Frankly, all this is for is my Webmaking 101 thingamabob. So...yeah :)